
Concatenative programming languages

Categories of instructions in a concatenative basis

Can you compile quotations in parallel?

Reduction semantics

Slip and slurp

Kleffner's talk on stack language typing


John Purdy has a good overview of concatenative programming languages. He points out that they are built around function concatenation, rather than function application, but also points out that this definition doesn't really help explain why they're useful or interesting.

Why Concatenative Programming Matters [Purdy]

A different view that he describes is that everything in a concatenative language is a function that operates on a stack — and in particular, on a prefix of the stack. If you were to type one of these functions, you could explicitly include the “stack variable” that shows how the function's input and output relates to the prefix:

2 :: (σ) → (σ, int)
+ :: (σ, int, int) → (σ, int)

This is exactly like the symbol stack pre- and post-conditions in stack graphs!

Stack graphs

Should stack graphs just be Forth programs?

And the prefix variables are just like the globs in a Swanson environment type!

Should Swanson be concatenative?


Mihelic2021 is a good rendering of the operational semantics of a stack-based language.


Pestov2010 describes Factor, which introduces checked stack effect annotations as a means of adding types to stack-based programs.


Diggins has two unpublished papers that describe the type system of Cat, which inspired how Factor checks the stack effect annotations in a program, instead of treating them as unchecked documentation like in Forth.



[Kerby2002] The theory of concatenative combinators

[Maddox2022] Foundations of Dawn: The untyped concatenative calculus


Jon Purdy, Stanford Seminar: Concatenative programming: From ivory to metal